Not a common experience. But last Monday I went to Norumbega Harmony’s monthly Sacred Harp sing, and we sang William Billings’s Easter Anthem, and pieces of it just keep going around in my head. I’ve found two versions online. (These links will take you directly to mp3 files hosted by Voices across America.)
And then my friend (and co-worker) Philocrites wrote about The gospel of forgiveness:
But there it is, the astonishing fact, right there in the news: These women and this little girl had the strength of character to forgive rather than seek vengeance. They even reached out to the man in an act of fellowship. Could I? Not yet. But when I made the decision eight years ago to renew my baptismal vows in an Easter vigil at King’s Chapel, I did it because I wanted to learn the discipline of living the resurrection. Jesus did not teach an easy path: His is a gospel of forgiveness and reconciliation, a witness to the grace that can take a vengeful world and a bitter heart and make it new.