Sony Bravia “Play-Doh” di Darren Walsh & Frank Budgen from khenzo on Vimeo.
(Via colourlovers, where they have other fun ads from Bravia.)
Kenneth Sutton's aide-mémoire
Sony Bravia “Play-Doh” di Darren Walsh & Frank Budgen from khenzo on Vimeo.
(Via colourlovers, where they have other fun ads from Bravia.)
A wonderfully succint definition by lynnewu on Twitter:
social media are “presence by other means”, and that includes Twitter, IM, and SecondLife
The University of Nottingham has videos about the elements:
On the livejournal steampunk fashion group, along came this little beauty:
First developed in Germany in the 1920’s, the Rollei 6x6cm Twin Lens Reflex Camera has always been a preferred tool for serious photography, especially portraits. There cannot be, for example, a single Hollywood celebrity who has not been photographed with a Rollei. Now, many of the outstanding convenience features and nostalgic design can be yours in a fashionable up-to-date digital with auto focus feature to shoot between 4 inches (10cm) to infinity on 5 mega pixel image.
Wonderful post on the terminology of numeral and punctuation typography:
In “Emoticons During Wartime,” a recent article in The New Yorker (December 10, 2007), Tom McNichol documents the usefulness of emoticons in communicating by visual innuendo. Emoticons can mean whatever the writer and reader want them to mean, until, of course the meaning is explicitly defined for all by The New Yorker. Two striking examples are:
“=|:-)= This e‑mail is being monitored by Uncle Sam for your protection,” and “:-x I’d rather not say in an e‑mail that’s being monitored for my protection.”
The web geek in me is pleased as punch with this announcement IEBlog : Microsoft’s Interoperability Principles and IE8
We’ve decided that IE8 will, by default, interpret web content in the most standards compliant way it can.